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Eligibility Requirements

Versorium’s decision to provide direct community investment considers the following criteria:


  1. Does it support organizations, programs/initiatives, services and/or facilities that make an impact to the community where we operate our facilities?

  2. Does it align with one of our key focus areas – Education; Youth and Wellness; Environmental Stewardship; or Recreation, Sport, Culture & Arts?

  3. Can the recipient provide measurable outcomes of the investment?


Projects ineligible for funding include:


  • Religious or politically affiliated organizations;

  • Organizations that directly or indirectly promote illegal activities;

  • The recipient must not be an individual;

  • Marketing sponsorship requests;

  • Initiatives not located within the local communities where we operate our facilities; and

  • Third-party fundraising requests


Application Deadline

The application deadline for 2025 is November 15th, with investment decisions being communicated to applicants by December 31st.

6. What type of request are you making?
7. Which focus area does your request pertain to?
8. Where will your request make an impact?
11. Has Versorium provided your organization with funding in the last 12-months?
15. If selected, Versorium will require documentation to support your application. Are you able to provide the organization’s incorporation documents, annual returns and/or letters of support?
16. Is your organization a registered charitable organization?
17. I confirm that I meet the application eligibility requirements as listed on the top of this page.

Thank you for your application. You will be contacted if your application is approved for funding.

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